We strive to make your life easy and elegant – everywhere you go. So you can focus on enjoying life. HANGIN AROUND is the first fashionable and sophisticated collection of smartphone essentials for everyone on the move. Inspired by beautiful destinations all around the globe. Designed in Germany and handmade in Kuwait – Our exclusive accessories are made of premium materials. We encourage mixing and matching our cases and straps to show off your personality and set your mood. Keep your hands free while being on the move so you can focus on the essential: From Traveling to shopping, playing with your kids and more. No digging, no dropping, no fiddling: With HANGING AROUND you can send messages, answer calls and take pictures the easy way. We’re making easy, elegant.
Hier gehts zum Shop: hanginaround.net
Kunde | HanginAround
Konzept & Text | Birgit Amelung
Design: Jungrad.Design
Fotografie | Lea Klein
3D | Damian Pociapowicz
Branche | Fashion

We’re making easy, elegant. A sophisticated collection for your smartphone. Designed in Germany. Made in Kuwait.